UPAC’s ‘More Than an AGM …’ Event Details
Come for the day!
The 2024 UPAC ‘More Than an AGM’ Event will be held on August 17, 2024 at Lubitz Flying Field (CLB2 in the CFS). The address for Lubitz Field is 907289 Township Rd 12. GPS Coordinates are N43°18.3’; W80° 32.9.
Free Admission – Donations Accepted
This aviation event is for UPAC members and their invited guests.
Not a member? For just $50/yr (taxes included) you can join on the website, or by calling the office (519-684-7628), or in person at the convention.
There is no admission charge for visitors. Proceeds from donations are used to offset the costs of fuel and maintenance for the chain saws, weed eaters, lawn mowers, propane for the Cafe, and tractors which are used to prepare the runway, taxiway, parking and camping areas, outhouses, and other expenses
Lubitz Field is a farm strip located to the west of the Kitchener/Cambridge area of southern Ontario. The farm is about 13 air miles SW of the Waterloo Wellington Regional Airport (CYKF), about 20 air miles ESE of Stratford Airport (CYSA) and about 16 air miles NNW of Brantford Airport (CYFD).
It’s located about an hour’s drive west of Toronto and about 45 minutes east of London. GPS Coordinates are N43°18.3’; W80° 32.9’. The mailing address is Bright but the nearest town is Plattsville. The physical address is 907289 Township Rd. #12 in Blandford-Blenheim Township, Oxford County.
Find it on Google Earth by typing in ‘907289 Township Rd. 12, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.’ If you have ‘places’ enabled you should see a little airplane symbol at the airstrip. The name will be Lubitz Field CLB2 or Plattsville Aerodrome.
View of the flight line at the 2013 UPAC gathering
Aerodrome Operations
The aerodrome is open for normal operations during the convention. Be sure to keep an eye out for other aircraft. It’s a “see and be seen” situation! Proper circuit procedures are important, especially at high traffic times like you’ll find during the convention.
There is an unmanned UNICOM on the field. If you want to broadcast position reports or monitor traffic, the frequency for Lubitz Flying Field is 123.2.
Be aware that 5 other frequencies can be in use in the area. Do not assume that everyone is on your frequency and that they can hear you .. and don’t assume you can hear everyone else.
As well, there will be many NORDO pilots flying in who will not hear your broadcast. Keep a sharp look out for other aircraft at all times!
The east-west grass runway is 1,980 ft. long and 80 ft. wide with clear approaches. There is a parallel taxiway south of the runway. South of that (from east to west) there are individual hangars, a 3 bay hangar, a row of T-hangars, a white arch building, and a rectangular hangar. All buildings have white roofs.
There are three non-standard wind socks. One is located at the east end of the long hangar; another on top of the large rectangular hangar, and the last one is at the NE corner of the fenced pasture. There will also be Canadian flags on fence posts and in various locations on the grounds.
Field elevation is 980 feet ASL, circuits are left-hand and at 500 ft. for ultralights and at 1000 ft for conventional aircraft. Adjust your speeds to fit in and watch for other aircraft!
There may be balloon launches from the airfield in the early morning or evening. And … Foot-launched powered paragliders may be operating in the early mornings and evenings
Directions for Flying In
CLB2 is open for normal operations during the convention. Use proper circuit procedures at all times. Curcuit height for ultralights is 500 ft AGL and 1,000 ft AGL for conventional aircraft. The east-west grass runway is 1,980 ft long and 80 ft. wide with clear approaches. The field frequecy is 123.2, but there is no UNICOM. Not every plane has a radio or will be on the same frequency. Keep you head on a swivel!
All aircraft must be tied down! Bring your own tie downs. Also bring your own two-stroke oil. We can supply auto gasoline on request, but there is no aviation fuel.
Be sure to carry the proper documents for your aircraft (C of A, C of R, insurance, pilot permit/license, medical, etc). Make sure the data plate matches the documents and that your placards are in place.
If you are coming from the northeast, be aware that the Waterloo International Airport Control Zone is Class C; you need a functioning Mode C transponder as well as a radio to enter the control zone. With no transponder, you will have to go around or above the Control Zone. The Control Zone extends upwards to 3,000 ft AGL or 4,000 ft. ASL, so you’ll need to be higher than that to get over it. Be aware that there is also transponder airspace at 6,500 ft. AGL and above.
The Waterloo Wellington Flying Club has a practice area directly overhead; most of their planes will be at 3,000 ft ASL but they could be lower when practicing forced approaches. Keep a good look out. Students and instructors will be focusing on their maneuvers, and not necessarily looking out the window.
Pets are allowed but they must be leashed at all times. Dogs running loose can disturb convention attendees. It is your responsibility to make sure your pet does not disturb others. Remember to stoop and scoop.
Driving Directions
from the EAST…
Take the 401 west to exit #268 – Plattsville and Ayr. At the light, turn left and follow Cedar Creek Rd (also called regional road 97/Oxford Rd. 8) towards Plattsville. At the third crossroad, (Blenheim Rd.), turn left. At the next corner, turn right onto Township Road 12, a gravel road. Go roughly a mile (1.5 km) where you will cross an iron bridge. As you come off the bridge, the driveway is on the right.
from the WEST…
Take the 401 east to exit 250 and go to Drumbo. At the 4-way stop in the middle of Drumbo, turn left towards Washington (County Rd 3). Go over the bridge over the 401 and the bridge over the Nith River. Turn right onto Township Rd. 12, which is a gravel road. Go about two miles (3 km) to an iron bridge. The driveway is on the left just before the bridge.
from the SOUTH…
Take the 403 west past Brantford to the exit for Brant Country Road 25 and go right. At the ‘T’ intersection, turn left and then take the first right onto County Road 3 to Princeton. Continue north to Drumbo. At the 4-way stop in Drumbo, go straight ahead towards Washington (County Rd 3). Go past the bridge over the 401 and the bridge over the Nith River. Turn right at Township Rd. 12; this is a gravel road. Go about 2 (3 km) miles to an iron bridge. Just before the bridge, you’ll see the driveway on the left.
from the NORTH…
From highways 7 and 8, take the exit for New Dundee. Go straight through the 4 way stop in town to a T-intersection, turn right onto Waterloo-Oxford Rd. Then turn left onto the Blenheim Rd. Go across Cedar Creek Rd. At the next intersection, turn right onto Township Road 12. This is a gravel road. Go roughly another mile (1.5km) where you will cross an iron bridge. As you come off the bridge, the driveway is on the right.