Who We Are

The Ultralight Pilots Association of Canada, UPAC, is the national voice for Canadian Ultralight Pilots. The organization was formed in 1986 when the Ultralight Aircraft Association of Canada (UAAC) and the Microlight Owners and Pilots of Canada (MOPAC) joined forces.

UPAC speaks for Canadian ultralight aviation interests in discussions with the federal government. We are committed to protecting the rights and privileges of all ultralight pilots and owners to assure freedom of flight in a minimally controlled flying environment. Our only focus is ultralight flying.


What We Do

The organization is run by an elected Board of Directors who volunteer their time and energy on your behalf. Half of the directors are elected every year at the Annual General Meeting. The officers are elected at the first Board meeting after that. Help us help you! The more support we get from the ultralight community, the more effective we can be. Yearly membership is $50 ($70 for a family) and includes 12 months of Light Flight, our monthly ultralight publication. You can join UPAC by buying your membership here.


Directors And Administration

UPAC Directors are elected by the membership at the annual general convention held during the third week of August each year. Their terms are for 2 years and any UPAC member in good standing can stand for election to the board of directors by simply filing a notice of intent at least 3 months prior to the convention.


Kathy Lubitz


Ted Rankine

Vice President


Jeff Barnard



Colin King

Light Flight Editor

Kevin Brown

Kevin Brown



Adam Riddell



Darek Magusiak

Director & FAI Contact


Trevor Page

Web Developer