UPAC is the national voice for Canadian Ultralight Pilots

2018 UPAC Convention Report


This year’s UPAC convention was held the weekend of August 17th-19th, 2018. As usual, Lubitz Field was a beehive of activity in the lead up to the gathering as volunteers worked feverishly to get everything ready for the influx of attendees. This year was especially busy since a windstorm earlier in the summer had damaged some of the buildings and repairs were still being made, including erecting several new, more comfortable outhouses (aka “Taj Ma-Holes”) for  guests to use when Nature  Calls.

The weather wasn’t good in the days before the event which made the task even more difficult. A few intrepid pilots also flew in during the week including trike pilots Cathy Montgomery and Peter Baker from Peterborough.  Adrian Van Loenen also arrived in his Geo trike. As you may recall he usually tours around southern Ontario enroute to the convention but this year made a dash from near Kingston direct to Lubitz Field due to the weather.

There was concern as well about the weekend  forecast which initially called for marginal conditions. As it turned out, by Saturday morning skies had cleared and winds were light, leading to a large number of aircraft arrivals throughout the day.

In addition, a large number of visitors arrived by car and the campground was also reasonably full. There was a good selection of exhibitor booths with all kinds of products and services including new aircraft, avionics, aircraft parts, engine maintenance, flying schools and clubs, flight  museums and aviation photography. It was a veritable  smorgasbord for aviation buffs! In addition to viewing exhibits and the wide assortment of aircraft.

Attendees were able to enjoy a full program of seminars beginning Saturday morning with an interesting safety presentation by Ludovic Masson from Transport Canada. As the newly assigned TC inspector for ultralight issues, he provided some statistics regarding ultralight accidents and discussed TC’s recent General Aviation Safety Campaign.

This was followed by Adrian Van Loenen who described his trike, in particular his Geo engine installation.

At noon there was a break for lunch at Café Les Aires with hamburgers, hot dogs, and schnitzel. As everyone enjoyed their meals, the draw for the prizes began. Lauren Lee announced the Ludovic Masson from Transport Canada talks safety during his seminar Adrian Van Loenen points out features on his Geo trike 8 September 2018  winning ticket numbers which was quickly follow-ed by a steady stream of lucky ticket holders at the Arch, waiting to receive their prizes, which ranged from gift certificates to all kinds of aviation gear and even an ICOM radio See the complete list of prizes in this issue.

After lunch, the seminars resumed. Glider Instructor and Private Pilot, Mark Araujo presented his audience with Glider Lessons for Ultralight Pilots. This was followed by Fred Gayford’s presention on Composite techniques. The UPAC Annual General Meeting was the inal activity in the seminar hangar. President Kathy Lubitz reported on the state of the organization. UPAC’s financial information was  provided by Trudy Grier and the Bushhawk’s writing award was presented by TJ Lilliman and Lauren Lee to Adrian Van Loenen (he’s everywhere!). Two new UPAC directors, Gord Dyck and Lionel Richer, were elected for a two year term. All in all, UPAC seems to be very healthy.

Throughout the day all kinds of aircraft were in the circuit – arriving, doing intro flights and fly bys, and finally departing. There will be a list with pictures next month. As the afternoon wore on, the crowd began to thin and the official program ended. Many of the attendees enjoyed dinner and were serenaded by the talented Lauren Lee. As the wind calmed down the powered paragliders took to the  sky with the setting sun as a beautiful backdrop.

As darkness fell, the popcorn popped, the movie started, followed by live entertainment as campers socialized in the campground. It was a great end to a fantastic day!

Sunday morning was fog enshrouded to start but the mist quickly burned off and the PPG pilots  resumed their aerial antics. The program began with a radio licence training seminar by Gord Millar. It was a great refresher for some and a chance to get their radio licence for others.

During the morning, most people continued socializing and then reluctantly packed up, said their farewells and departed  by car and by air.

In the end, the 2018 UPAC was a huge success. Thanks very much to all the attendees and especially to all the volunteers. See you again next year!

There were 5  aircraft dealers and over 60 aircraft on site this  year. The foot launched powered paragliders were the smallest; a Piper Warrior was the largest. There were weight shift trikes, powered parachutes and lots of three axis ultralights.

Canadian ultralight  manufacturers and dealers on the field during the 2018 convention


-Zenair and Aircraft Float Manufacturers represented by Michael Heintz.

-Fisher Flying Products and Canadian D-Motor repreestned by Dave Hertner

-Comco’s Ikarus represented by the Ikarus Flight Centre.

-Sport Aircraft Brokers featuring the Aerolite 103 and BushCat

-Flight Design Canada represented the CT line of aircraft

-Airborne Australia, weight shift trikes, represented by Aerotrike Aviation

The Tiger Boys’ Aeroplane Works & Flying Museum in Guelph, ON was well represented with their De Haviland Tiger Moth, Taylor J2 Cub, Pietenpol Aircamper and Fleet Finch.

The UPAC convention is the place to see a large variety of Canadian ultralights and homebuilts. In 2018 the following makes and models were on the field over convention weekend.

Aerolite 103
Aeronca K, Champ, Chief
American Champion Citrabria
Avid Flyer
Best Off Skyranger & Nynja
Cessna 140 and 150
Comco Ikarus
De Haviland Tiger Moth
Evektor Sportstar
Fisher Dakota Hawk
Fleet Finch
Gallacher Ayrecart
Jabiru Calypso
Jodel D-11
Kolb Mark 3
Mini Max
Pazmany PL-2
Piel Emeraude
Pietenpol Aircamper
Piper J3, J4, Vagabond, Clipper, Pacer, Cherokee and Arrow
Progressive Aerodyne Searey
Quad City Challenger
Quicksilver MX, MX II, GT400, and GT 500
Rans S7 Courier, S14 Airaile
Sinus Motorglider
Sky Arrow
Spectrum Beaver RX 35, 550, and 650
Spezio Tuholer
Taylorcraft BC12-D
Taylor J2 Cub
Thatcher CX 4
Thorpe T18
Titan Tornado
Vans RV 4
Wittman Tailwind
Woody Pusher
Zenair 601, 701, 750, CH 200, and CH 300
Zlin Savage Cub

Weight shift control trikes included an Airborne 912X Edge and the Geo Trike.

Numerous powered parachutes, both foot launch and with trike carts, were also flying.

Information about Rotax 2 and 4 stroke engines was available from Phil Belanger, CASAIR, and from John Baker, Rotac Repair.


Icom Canada www.icomcanada.com
Fisher Flying Products www.fisherflying.com
Ikarus Flight Centre www.ikarus.ca
John Baker’s Auto Service www.rotacrepair.ca
CASAIR http://www.casair.info/
Zenair www.zenair.com
Aircraft Mfg Floats www.myfloats.com
Aircraft Spruce & Speciality www.aircraftspruce.ca
Flight Design Canada / Skyview Ultralights www.flightdesigncanada.com
Savage Aircraft Sales Canada   tcianfarani@hotmail.com
Kevin Moore Photography kevinwmoorephotography@hotmail.ca
Sport Aircraft Brokers Ltd. www.sportaircraftbrokers.com
Hammond Aviation www.hammondaviation.com
Fly360 Tactical Flight Computer www.flykobo.ca
Smart Pilot www.smartpilot.ca
EAAC canada.eaachapter.org
Transport Canada www.canada.ca/general-aviation-safety
Hamilton Aero Club hamaeroclub@hotmail.com
Tiger Boys www.tigerboys.com
Gayford Carbon Fiber Composites Inc www.carbonfiberviolin.com
MacPat Rotac macpat@live.ca
Sleeman Breweries www.sleemanbreweries.ca
Lift Off Aviation   http://liftoffaviation.com
Harpreet Walia  – Instructor pilotharry@yahoo.com.
Aerotrike Aviation       www.aerotrikeaviation.net
Schinkel’s Legacy   www.schinkels.ca
Music by Firelight www.musicbyfirelight.com


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