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Engine Failure Survey
UPAC is involved in Transport Canada’s General Aviation Safety Program’s Ultralight Working Group and has identified engine failure as the most common cause of ultralight accidents and incidents.
2021 Convention Report
Another Convention is over and it was great! Although formal activities were limited this year, there was plenty of good food, lots of interesting planes, and lots and lots of happy people. We were careful to follow provincial COVID protocols for outdoor meeting areas and most people stayed out in the sunshine getting their Vitamin D.
Watch out for Drones!
New rules proposed for RPAS (also called Drones and unmanned aerial vehicles or UAS) by Kathy
2019 UPAC Convention Report
As with every year, organizers and attendees watched the weather forecasts closely in the days before
2018 UPAC Convention Report
This year’s UPAC convention was held the weekend of August 17th-19th, 2018. As usual, Lubitz Field
2017 UPAC Convention Report
The 2017 UPAC National Convention is over for anther year and once again, it was very